In Major Speech, Edwards Outlines Vision To Ensure A Safer, More Prosperous Future For America's Children

Press Release

Date: Dec. 21, 2007
Location: Des Moines, IA

On day two of the "Fighting for America's Voice" tour, Edwards outlines bold middle class agenda to ensure the American Dream for all children

West Des Moines, Iowa - On the second day of the "Fighting for America's Voice" tour, Senator John Edwards delivered a speech outlining his bold and specific proposals to build a better future for our children so they can realize the American Dream. Speaking at the Des Moines Area Community College today, Edwards outlined his four-part "Building a Better World for Our Children" agenda, which calls for restoring the promise of America through good jobs, renewable energy, stronger schools, and investments in the American people. Edwards has spent his life speaking out on behalf of regular Americans and during "Fighting for America's Voice" tour he is highlighting his plans to reclaim our government from the powerful interests and ensure the voices of hard-working Americans get heard in Washington.

Today in Des Moines, Edwards was joined by Sandy and David Lakey, and their daughter Valerie. Valerie was five years old in 1993 when she was very badly hurt by the powerful drain suction at the bottom of a pool because of a faulty drain cover. The manufacturer of the defective part knew their product was dangerous and hid the truth. Edwards represented the Lakeys as their lawyer and ensured that Valerie's medical expenses would be taken care of for the rest of her life. Edwards was also joined in Des Moines today by James Lowe, the former coal miner who could barely speak for 50 years because he lacked health care to fix his cleft palate.

"Corporate greed and political calculation have taken over Washington," Edwards said. "For decades, big corporations and powerful interests have blocked change and progress. For decades, they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars and deployed hundreds of lobbyists to try and silence the voice of the American people. And for decades, our leaders in Washington have sat by and let it happen.

"An America where big corporations are favored over middle-class families is not the America I believe in," Edwards continued. "That's not the America I see over the horizon. I see an America rising - an America where middle-class families are thriving, where our children can rise higher than their parents, where they can achieve things that their parents never dreamed of. Where we don't just pass on a better world, but we also make sure that our children will have the tools they need to take advantage of that world. We need a president who will stand up to the powerful interests that have taken over our government, and fight to give the American people their voice back, so that we can build a better world for our children."

Edwards' "Building a Better World for Our Children" agenda calls for:

* Fixing America's basic bargain with good jobs that support a family: Edwards will enact smarter trade policies that keep good jobs here in America. He will also create new jobs by investing in the industries of the future and he will support American innovation and ingenuity by investing in education, science, technology and innovation.
* Halting global warming and ending our dependence on foreign oil: If we don't take dramatic action immediately to halt global warming, our children could grow up on a planet that is radically different from the one we know today. Edwards will cap the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and reduce it by 20 percent by 2020 and at least 80 percent by 2050. He will also create a New Energy Economy Fund to jump start renewable energy and achieve energy independence.
* Strengthening our schools and making college affordable: Tomake sure that every American child can go as far as their talents will take them, Edwards will radically reform No Child Left Behind and create a new College for Everyone program.
* Investing in the American people: The single most important investment we can make in our people is to create universal health care. Edwards' top domestic priority will be passing universal health care that covers every man, woman and child in America. To make sure that every family has the tools they need to keep their children healthy and safe, Edwards will improve child care and access to paid family leave.

For further details on Edwards' plans to restore the promise of America, please see the "Building a Better World for Our Children" policy paper included below. Also included below are excerpts from Edwards' remarks.
